The Children's Academy For The Arts

Birthday Parties - Renaissance Tots - Theater - Young Artisans

Virginia Beach,  Va  23454
(757) 288-4405

   Home |Info|Offerings|Workshops|Schedule|E-Mail|Meet the Director   







Birthday Parties:

Let CAFTA assist you with the entertainment for your child's birthday party.

We offer music and theme-based art projects to fit your needs

with low prices to fit your budget.









Virginia Beach,  Va  23454
(757) 288-4405


Renaissance Tots:

CAFTA's Renaissance Tots program is a wonderful introduction to the world of art, music,

and movement. Children have opportunities to explore as individuals

as well as in a group setting. Classes include all materials and snack.

AGES: 1 1/2 - 3 years old (accompanied by an adult)







Virginia Beach,  Va  23454
(757) 288-4405




CAFTA's theater classes offer children hands-on experiences in: acting, improv, scenery

and prop design, music and movement. Theater productions feature original music and

scripts as well as some classic favorites. All children participate in

our end of workshop production.

AGES: 3 & up







Virginia Beach,  Va  23454
(757) 288-4405



Young Artisans:

CAFTA's pre-k and kindergarten Young Artisans Program is based on the belief that the

creative and performing arts are natural tools for teaching young children. Each

child's academic, social, cognitive and physical growth is fostered through

music, art, movement, dramatic play and theater.

Young Artisans perform in choral concerts and theatrical productions

throughout the school year.





Virginia Beach,  Va  23454
(757) 288-4405


E-Mail  CAFTA About The Director